
4-axle trams

Series 401-570 & 1001-1020

4-axle tramIn 1929 a series of 50 new tramcars (401-450) on bogies was introduced together with 20 similar trailers (1001-1020 1st batch). These trailers were converted into motorcars (451-470) already in 1931. In this same year another 100 motorcars (471-570) and 20 trailers (1001-1020 2nd batch) were acquired making a total of 170 motorcars and 20 trailers. Four companies were involved in the construction of these trams:
  • Allan 401-420, 1001-1005 1st batch becoming 451-455, 471-510 and 1001-1020 2nd batch
  • Beijnes 1006-1020 1st batch becoming 456-470 and 551-570
  • Talbot 421-435
  • Werkspoor 436-450 and 511-550
All this stock did have a centre platform for entrance and exit of the passengers. The doors at the end-platforms were to be used by the drivers only, e.g. if points had to be switched by hand. The motorcars had seats for 22, the trailers for 32. This type was the most numerous during 35 years and with many people the most popular ever.

The series 401-470 (the 1929 series and the converted trailers), which did have less powerful motors, went out of service until 1965, most of the 471-570 around 1968 but a few were available until 1983.
The 404 was reconstructed in the late fifties into instruction car and numbered into 2101.
About 20 cars officially became working cars and numbered into the series 2500. Hardly anything else was changed and a few times they were used again in normal service. Six were reconstructed later as snow-fight cars and numbered into the series 2600.

4-axle tram
              & trailerAbout 15 still exist as works-, excursion or museum car, not only in Rotterdam but in Amsterdam and Arnhem too.

Series 301-306

Single end
              4-axle tram 303In 1943 four more tramcars of the same type were built by the workshops of the RET with the use of spare parts, followed by another two from heavily damaged tramcars (the 540 & 418) in 1946. This series 301-306 was unidirectional, the back-end similar to the trailers 1001-1020. They had seats for 27. When the Duewag trams arrived, 301 was already out of service, the others were renumbered into 401-405 and went out of service in 1968. The 303 (original number) is kept as museum tram.

Technical data


471-500, 551-560
501-550, 561-570
305 (ex 540)
306 (ex 418)


11.9 m
12.1 m
12.1 m
12.1 m
12.1 m
11.9 m


16.8 t
17.9 t
17.9 t
17.8 t
17.8 t
17.8 t

Motor power

4x 25 kW
4x 35 kW
4x 33 kW
4x 35 kW
4x 35 kW
4x 33 kW

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